January 9, 2013, Lexington, Ky, USA ~ In accordance with Bylaws amended at the United States Equestrian Federation Board of Directors Mid-Year Meeting the Federation’s governance structure has been modified to create a more agile and efficient organization. During the 2014 USEF Annual Meeting currently underway in Lexington Kentucky the new structure has been populated. The Administration & Finance Working Group, FEI Affiliates Working Group, High Performance Working Group, and National Affiliates Working Group have transitioned to become the Administrative and Finance Council, International Disciplines Council, and the National Breeds and Disciplines Council respectively.
Effective January 9, 2014, the Board of Directors has been streamlined from 54 members to 19. The following individuals have been elected or appointed to the USEF Board of Directors:
Chrystine Tauber, President
Ellen Di Bella, Vice-President
Bill Hughes, Secretary/Treasurer
Lisa Deslauriers
Derek Di Grazia
Elizabeth Goth
Georgie Green
S. Tucker Johnson
Valerie Kanavy
Chris Kappler
Murray Kessler
Victoria Lowell
Beezie Madden
Bill Moroney
Michael Pollard
Cynthia Richardson
Howard Simpson
Chester Weber
George Williams
~end press release from the USEF Communications Department