Scouting Trail – Scenes from the WEG Endurance Competition

Mont Saint Michel

Some of the trails will have views of Mont Saint Michel

26 August 2014, Sartilly, France ~ “It probably will be very wet,” said USA Chef D’Equipe, Emmett Ross, of the Endurance Championship course for 28 August.

Normandy has vibrant green grass due to an abundance of rain, and the week of the World Equestrian Games Endurance venue has been no exception. After the deluge on Monday, more rain is forecast for the week.

 “The Organizing Committee is doing their best to make this a good trail,” Ross continued. “This will be a challenge for everybody. {A wet course} It may change some strategy and we will have to make decisions on crew points. No one has ridden this course so it is a challenge for all.”

Looking over the trails

Looking over the trails

The trail will be run in five loops of 38.1, 35.5, 32.9, 33.2, and 20.5kms. Loops will have various footing over gravel packed or dirt trails, through wooded areas, and along stretches of the impressive tidal flows of the Bay of Mont Saint Michel.

Ross mentioned the team’s appreciation of the 50 some US supporters that had come to help. “This is a young team of riders and the horses are all looking super. I feel good and we are here to win a team medal.” 

~ follow Team Endurance USA on Horsereporter

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