Photo caption: from left to right: HARC’s Committee Members, Genny Haynes, ARO UK, Nelly Philippot, Belgium Racing, Ahmed Abdel Razak, HARC’s Chairman, Deirdre Hyde, HARC’s Honorary Secretary, Almir Ribeiro, Brazil Racing & Anthony Mountney, NARA Australia.
5 March 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE ~ The Heritage Arabian Racing Club (HARC) gathered enthusiasts from more than 20 countries in a General Meeting and Conference in Abu Dhabi on Saturday, 3 March.
Holding its second AGM Conference in as many years, it was noted that the growth of HARC has exceeded all expectations. According to Ms. Deirdre Hyde, Honorary Secretary for HARC and Breeding Manager at Wrsan Stables, “It has been very gratifying that HARC has been warmly welcomed around the world“. The driving force behind HARC is His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Wrsan, whose inspiration it was to form HARC in February 2015.
HARC welcomed four four new countries into the fold: Spain, Italy, Uruguay and Romania were approved to join the 15 existing countries already supporting and participating in HARC’s initiative to preserve the purebred Arabian of traditional type and bloodlines.
After a full morning of feedback and discussion for long-term growth given by international guests, the afternoon conference of Racing, Marketing & Breeding for HARC, did not disappoint.
Tracing ancient pedigree lines that gave the Arabian it’s original look of dished face, high tail carriage, and graceful manner, Anna Stojanowska highlighted Polish Dam lines from Sabda to Sephora. This was followed by Deirdre Hyde’s presentation: ‘History of Arabian Racing’.
The final presenter, lending a practical note to the afternoon was leading marketing expert, Evie Tubbs Sweeney from the USA. She detailed how she had presented a series of hugely successful HARC road shows to five of the top racing and Arabian show community destinations in America during the past year (2016).
More details to come.
Webpage: www.harchorses.com