Festival promises expanded endurance coverage in 2017

Press Conference
6 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE ~ Endurance sport under the umbrella of His Highness Sheikh Mansoor Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Global Arabian Horse Flat Racing Festival is spreading its wings far and wide and will include several more countries in the 2017 season.
Ms Lara Sawaya, Executive Director of the HH Sheikh Mansoor Bin Zayed Festival, Chairperson of the International Federation of Horse Racing Academies (IFHRA) and Chairperson of Ladies & Apprentice Racing Committees in the International Federation of Arabian Horse Racing Authorities (IFAHR), announced an expanded endurance season supported by the Festival on the sidelines of the 14th edition of Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX) at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre premises.

HH Sheikh Nahayan Mubarak Al Nahayan
Ms Sawaya stated that the Festival introduced endurance sport five years ago and ever since has not looked back and over the years many new countries are joining the fraternity. “The year 2016 saw many new countries in the endurance calendar and more will be added during 2017, thanks to the support of His Highness Sheikh Mansoor Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs and Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, Mother of the UAE, Chairperson of the General Women’s Union, Supreme Chairperson of the Family Development Foundation and Chairwoman of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood and Mother of the World,” she said.
She also announced that the Festival will be hosting the FEI 120-km 2-star HH Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies Cup at the Al Wathba Endurance Village in Abu Dhabi on 26 November 2016, which will attract riders from all over the world including the recent winners at the Endurance Equestrian Negrepellise, near Montauban, France.
Spain, Hungary and Belgium will have more active roles to play in the upcoming events, Ms Sawaya added, noting that Spain did well to grab silver at the Negrepellise events. “We are working in close cooperation with several equestrian federations for the 2017 events,” Sawaya added.
Sponsors and support noted achievements of the Festival including Ahmed Saeed, Department of Justice – Sports Court (CAS); Khaled Hussain, General Authority of Youth and Sports Welfare, Dr. Stefano Daneri, representing Global United Veterinary Services and National Feed and Flour Production and Marketing Co. LLC; and Nouf Abdul Redha, Festival ladies endurance team rider.
Sardinina, Italy to host endurance in 2017
Riccardo Giachino representing the Equestrian Centre Horse Country from Sardinia, Italy, said they were very keen to host the Festival rides and looking forward to it in 2017. He said the Sardinia horse riding centre is one of the biggest horse riding centers in Europe, with both indoor and outdoor arenas.
Also addressing the press conference were Mariette Mourieres, representing Gerard Aurel of Endurance Equestre Negrepelisse, Gerstner Blanka from Babolna National Stud, Hungary, and Pierre Arnold from Brussels Equestrian Federation.
Arnold underlined the importance of the three-day endurance festival in Brussels under the Festival’s umbrella from 17-19 August 2017, which will feature the 160-km FEI European Open, the 120-km FEI World Championship for Young Horses 2017, as well as the 120-km FEI Nations Cup for Lady Riders.
Ms Sawaya concluded that 2017 will be an exciting year for the endurance sport and with many more countries coming under the Festival.
Many VIP guests and top officials visited the exclusive stand of the Festival at ADIHEX and were briefed about the activities of the Festival.
The HH Sheikh Mansoor Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Global Arabian Horse Flat Racing Festival is sustained by the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority and coordinated by Abu Dhabi Sports Council, with National Feed and Flour Production and Marketing Co. LLC as associate sponsors, IPIC as Strategic Partner, The National Archives as the official partner and Emirates airline as the official carriers, in cooperation with Emirates Racing Authority, IFAHR, Emirates Arabian Horse Society, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Authority of Youth and Sports Welfare and sponsored by Al Aweer Stables, Ayadii LLC, Global United Veterinary Services LLC, Bloom, Petromal, Rise General Trading Co. LLC, Hayatna, Wathba Stallions, Abu Dhabi Falconers Club, Emirates Falconers Club, Mohamed Bin Zayed Falconry and Desert Physiognomy School, Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), Al Awani General Enterprises, Kabale, Omeir Travels, Dr Nader Saab Switzerland, Laboratories Fadia Karam Cosmetics, YAS Channel, Racing Post, Paris Turf, Al Wathba Centre, the UAE’s General Women’s Union, The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, the HH Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies Sports Academy, Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition 2016, Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club, Eastern Mangroves Suites-Abu Dhabi by Jannah, Anantara Eastern Mangroves Spa and Resort.
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