2 September 2020, USA ~ SWANA, Swedish Warmblood Association of North America, will this year inspect foals digitally LIVE via the equestrian training app and collaboration platform Ridesum.
During this time of Pandemic non-travel, some of the equestrian organizations are becoming inventive as to how to proceed with their regular programs. SWANA organizes an annual inspection tour across the USA and Canada with judges from the Swedish Warmblood Association (SWB), inspection committee in Sweden. The inspection tour is a possibility to get Swedish Warmblood horses presented and evaluated. During this pandemic year when international travel is restricted; SWANA takes matters into their own hands where the SWB appointed judge will perform foal inspections digitally from Sweden via Ridesum’s LIVE video streaming app.

Ridesum gives you the ability to train live, or in SWANA’s case, present horses live, which is a must when evaluating a horse. The foals, based in USA and Canada, will be evaluated just as they would be in an inspection; the breeder will receive instant feedback as the evaluation takes place live via video streaming in the Ridesum App. The two appointed SWB judges, Jan-Ove Olsson and Christina Olsson from the Swedish inspection committee, will judge the horses live from Sweden.
“We hope breeders will grab this opportunity and have their foal inspected digitally this year. It saves time and money as it can be done on your home turf, and healthwise no worries about large crowds,” said Katarina Antens-Miller, President of SWANA.
“Digital inspections live give us the ability to still connect with the breeders.” said Jan-Ove Olsson, SWB judge.
In Ridesum riders can connect with more than 1000 international trainers and experts within a wide range of disciplines, skills and levels. The live video training can be used in a variety of situations, such as having a dressage or a jumping lesson or receiving coaching from trainer during warm-up at competitions. Mental coaching is also available, as well as advice in how to feed your horse from an equine nutritionist through a video session.
“We are experiencing a very high demand of our digital training services from the global horse community, which also has been fuelled by the current global situation. With Ridesum you can train anywhere, anytime,” said Jenny Strahle, CEO and Founder of Ridesum.
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