Broxton Bridge posts FEI winners

Broxton Bridge USA SE Fundraiser Ride

January 31-February 1, 2014, Ehrhardt, South Carolina – USA



25/50/75/100 Friday (CEI 1*2*3*) & 25/50/75 Saturday (CEI 1* 2*)
Rain, ice, and snow storms have harassed the east coast this winter, pushing further than usual into the southern states, closing roads and keeping airplanes on the ground. By January 30, a new series of storms was announced and weathermen advised many too keep off the roads. 

The Broxton Bridge Plantation ride was scheduled for two days with the 100m/160km starting on Friday. This was an anticipated ride as many came to check the trails for the April 17, WEG USA Selection Trial (CEI2* 120km).

Neither the wet nor the cold kept Heather Reynolds off the trail and she finished first in the 160k riding Chanses (Patriot Missle+/ Elyse OB) in a ride time of 8:33. Jeremy Olson on Wallace Hill Shade followed in a close 2nd. Nicola Gilbert riding Cleopatrah came in third thirteen minutes later, followed over an hour later by Lisanne Dorion on SH Sur Trac and Alisija Zbavska-Granger on Dixiland Dude.

The only Young Rider to finish was Taylor White riding Hoover the Mover.

Ride Manager, Cheryl Van Deusen, commented on the ride:

“The severe winter storm kept some people from attending and others had been unable to properly train. This was the first 160 km event held at this location, and normally it is a fast, flat course. However, snow, ice and rain kept the trails in less than optimal condition. Many riders came to learn the course as it is the location for the selection trials to be held April 17-20, 2014.”

Broxton Bridge Plantation has been in the same family for nine generations. It is located about 60 miles west of Charleston, South Carolina.

Sanctioned by AERC, SERA, and SEDRA – 

Next US FEI ride: February 27, Williston, Florida




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