Tevis Western States Trail Ride to have Strong Field

July 15, Auburn, California ~  In less than one week, the  July 20, 2013 Tevis Cup 100 mile (160km) riders will be heading down  the Western States Trail for their chance to win a completion buckle. This is more than a ride, it is an endeavor. Riders train themselves and their mounts for years to make this journey….of high physical ability, concentration, determination, risk, and if the gods of the trails, wind, and moon are aligned – reward.

smHeatherWEG2IMG_06972013 Stats (as of 07/12): 166 entries, 12 juniors, 11 signature riders, 13 foreign riders from 7 countries.

Among the breeds represented: Arabian, Half-Arabian, Shagya,  Appaloosa, Missouri Fox Trotter, Paint, Saddle Horse, Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred, Kentucky Mountain, Rocky Mountain, Tennessee Walker,  Standardbred, Mustang, Friesian, a combination of several of these, and a Mule.

Kathie Perry, Western States Trail Foundation President, recipient of her 2,000 mile Tevis Buckle with 21 completions, gave an indication of the 2013 ride:

“We have a strong field this year. Seven out of ten of the top ten riders from last year are back; same horse, same rider. I’m excited about the foreign riders; this year there are 13. We are preparing for hot weather and a dry trail with extra water on the trail.”

Entry position is done by a formula, according to Perry, on how your horse has done over the last 18 months. “The top 10 riders from the last year’s ride get to have the number that they finished. If a top ten rider from the 2012 ride does not return to the 2013 ride that number will not be used. Top 10 riders from the 2012 do not get to start in the position they finished  last year ride. They must complete the (starting) Pen application form and will be seeded with the same formula as all others riders.”

Garrett and Lisa Ford, who finished number one and two last year, are not riding, and their numbers are not being filled. Numbers 11-20 have finished previous Tevis rides; numbers 21-30 go to foreign riders. These and another approximate 30 seeded riders will be in the first group to start in Pen 1. Other riders may start in Pen 2, and still others may want to hold back until the trail clears…although all riders must be on the trail by 5:30 am. Perry stated that it is judicious to have more experienced riders in the lead on the narrow trail, but that the start times for all are within minutes of each other in any case.

*Quick Fact: The oldest rider to complete the Ride was Jim Steere, DVM, 80 years old in 2005.

#See complete rider list http://www.teviscup.org/tevis-2013/2013-tevis-rider-list

Western States Trail 

The Tevis Cup Ride relies on the availability and good repair of the Western States Trail for it’s very existence. The Ride is self-supporting and covers its expenses primarily via the entry fees.

Generally, the Ride produces a net surplus of about $1,000; the entire amount each year is dedicated to WSTF Trail work. One way to contribute to preservation of the WS Trail, therefore, is to Ride the Ride.

Be A Signature Rider:

A special category has been created to encourage trail donation.

For an entry fee of $1500, a rider has stabling and other sponsored gifts. $800 of the fee (tax deductible) goes to the trail fund.

Adopt A Mile and Save A Trail:

The Adopt-the-Trail Campaign is an effort to raise a half-million dollars as a permanent endowment for the Western States Trail. Donations are based on $1 per foot of the 100 mile trail. Donations are placed into a dedicated investment fund where the principal is protected. Once this Endowment Fund grows to $500,000, interest and dividends will be made available for WS Trail purposes.

A full mile ($5,280) or half mile ($2,640) can be donated. Sections of a half-mile or more can be named by the donor, and the location of the adopted section can be chosen from those not yet adopted.

For more information: http://teviscup.org/

See you on the trail.

File Photo: Heather Reynolds in Kentucky, Pamela Burton



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